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Wavy Abstract Background


Hello! Nice to see you here. My name is Mahammad Yusifov. I am a Versatile Software Engineer with 4 years of experience in agile environments. Successfully created countless robust back-end applications using Java and Spring framework, integrating with databases like Oracle, PostgreSQL and others, actively using Docker, Kubernetes for deploying, diagnosing services, integrating with Kafka, RabbitMQ ensuring fast execution of requests in sequence. 

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My Career and Projects

My Professional Work Experience and Highlighted Projects

Kapital Bank

Software Engineer


August 2021-Present


  • Individual Pricing Project.
    Developed microservices that utilizing machine learning model to predict the best interest rate for a customer with result of making company half a million dollars revenue. Created AI model in Dataiku collaborating with a Data Scientist. Converted Python written machine learning project to Java REST API. Used PostgreSQL for storing, analyzing data.

  • Next Best Offer Project.
    Achieved a 49% increase in lead conversion rate through the implementation of personalized lead offers (using Java + spring boot microservice, Nest.js Typescript as BFF, Redis as cache) in different channels including Birbank application which is the biggest banking app in Azerbaijan currently.

  • Fast Lead Transfer Project.
    Reduced business flow execution time by 17 hours by implementing Java Spring Batch + RESTful API that operates at scale and transfers 1-2 million rows of data from an Oracle database to another and uses Redis for caching.

  • EVAM Actions Project.
    Deploying and tracking of Java applications in Linux server in Streamline Analytics Software-EVAM. Creating technical side of bank campaigns with a result of hitting KPIs and making company 1.2 million dollars revenue.

  • Everyday work of me in the company.
    Participating in code reviews every week, used Jenkins to analyze and fix build failures (CI/CD pipelines).
    Using JUnit 5 framework to validate various financial workflows, ensuring compliance and reliability.
    Utilizing Sonarqube, Snyk for higher quality and secure, high coverage code.
    Integrating services with Vault, Consul for securely reading database url, api-key configurations.
    Using Docker & Kubernetes & Kibana daily for production deployment and monitoring.
    Developing services that are integrated with both internal and external systems to send SMS, Automated calls, Cashback, App push notifications and other types of communications at real time.

GuavaPay Limited

Software Developer

December 2019- July 2021


  • The Guavapay Project.
    Achieved a $2+ million monthly revenue boost through the development of Java microservices for global payment platform, card and account issuing platform, payment systems for merchants and so on. 
    Created Telegram Bot for tracking and reporting real time operations on a system.
    ​Developed cryptographic operations for creating private keys and using them in Java services to integrate with other APIs. Implemented MD5, SHA 256 and other hashing algorithms.

  • MyMoneyMove project.
    Achieved a $0.8+ million general revenue by developing C# REST APIs with ASP.NET framework for a global money transfer system. 
    Integrated services with other SOAP APIs and also with databases like Oracle, MsSql.

  • Everyday work of me in the company.
    Ensuring secure integration with other payment services by implementing robust encryption methods (SHA 256, MD5 hashing with Java 8) and achieving 71% more steady REST API services.
    Deploying Java applications with both CI/CD tools like Gitlab and directly to cloud into Linux (Red Hat Enterprise) Environment.
    Wrote technical documentations for APIs, Digital Banking Platforms, Payment Systems, Bank Processing operations.

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Automation engineer

September 2018 - December 2019


  • Automated Attendance Tracking System Project.
    Saved an average of 14 minutes per class session by developing an automated attendance tracking smart card system using Atmega microcontrollers, Raspberry, RFID sensors from hardware side.
    Developed Java REST API using Java 8, integrated with MySQL database, deployed application into Linux Machine.


  • Voice Controller Appliances Project.
    Created smart home systems with voice commands utilizing Java for mobile app development and microcontroller, different sensors for hardware.

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University


September 2020- August 2022


  • Gave lectures on engineering, software and hardware in general from my real work experience.

  • Taught programming languages like Java SE, C++, Python, Microcontroller programming with Arduino CC for beginners.

  • Assigned soft&hardware tasks to students according to their interest and background for creating many innovational devices.

  • Created Drones with students splatted into 2 teams, one developing software system in Python other creating and equipping drone with sensors like GPS, Barometer, 3-axis gyroscope and others.



January 2022 - Present.


StadTap Project.

  • Achieved creation of a cross-platform mobile application that helps users to book football stadiums, and helps stadium managers increase their sales & organize their reservations.

  • Led 1-8 individuals from different backgrounds such as software development, UI/UX design. Used Jira to manage team and ensure successful delivery of product in time.

  • Achieved successful integration of football stadiums into the app by making direct negotiations (improving communication skills - written and verbal) with stadium managers educating the app’s functionalities and how it can help them to increase their sales.

  • Developed responsive mobile application using Dart Flutter and various libraries.

  • Developed API gateway, Adapter microservice pattern based Java + Spring boot APIs, deployed them in Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud, Stored data in AWS RDS.

  • Utilized Kafka for sending real time notifications to users, and events to our internal telegram channel.

  • Used Figma for designing, editing UX/UI.


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